Decking the Halls…

That time of year is upon us again, & as we pull out our dusty Christmas decorations do you stop to think

How do I want to decorate my home this Christmas?


All the magazines are spruiking a new ‘designer’ look for the season & of course with the multiple isles of department stores with all its glitter & glam its easy to be overwhelmed quickly. But before you fill the trolley with Christmas cheer I always like to consider –

~ How do you feel about your decorations on December 27th?

As a child we used to fight over who got to put up the Christmas tree. Who was going to be the lucky one to spread the cheer & more importantly, choose the colour scheme for the season. But come December 27th & we would argue for days over which poor sod had to brave the heat & the month of dust to take it all down & try to magically fit it back in the original boxes for storage (an impossible task!). So every year I now consider what I will enjoy not only putting up in December but also dismantling at the end of the Christmas fever.

The ‘Christmas Tree’

This is almost a must in Australian homes for the festive season, but with so many types of trees to choose from you’ll find your perfect match – just think outside the box. Yes you can purchase a 6 footer from the shop but make sure you get an easy-to-assemble & compact storage style. This will not only save you valuable space for the other 11 months of the year, but possibly precious time with assembly. Other alternatives include a potted plant (best with conifers) that can live outside all the other months or the year, a bunch of ‘designer’ sticks in a vase, a small timber slot-together ornament or even a stack of wrapped boxes. The sky (or the ceiling) is the limit so you can be a creative as you like. So the next question is…

How to decorate the tree

It’s time to run in circles! I remember getting so dizzy roping tinsel around & around the tree & if this is a standard issue for you, put your tree base on a lazy susan & spin. But I say, keep it simple (think of December 27th). Don’t overload the tree with too many colours or decorations, less is more, just like packing for a holiday take out half of what you’ve packed & its about right. If you want tinsel, beads or hessian rope keep it chunky & thick so that you have one or two large elements circling the tree, not ten layers choking every available space. Let the tree itself be seen & by keeping the decorations minimal they become more prominent & important. And when it comes to the hanging decorations, make them personal! My mum has three porcelain angels that she has kept for over 30 years which sit together on the tree like a choir. I also make small gingerbread men & put them in little bags every year that get hung on my nieces & nephews tree (& get progressively eaten as the day draws near). You don’t need to spend lots of money & it can be eclectic with all those items you’ve gathered over the years. Just make it yours.


Let there be light!

Ambient light can have a profound effect on a room, & at Christmas it can really set the stage. If you wanted to keep the lights off the tree, hang them around the room or jumbled in an empty fishbowl for a glow (especially if you can’t get them untangled!).Be careful, but consider candles. These can save your power bill & can give a classical Christmas glow. Perhaps have them inside tall clear glass vases for protection. Scented candles can also spice up all the senses really getting you in the mood for the festive season.

The Joy of Decorating

From the table centre pieces to the dancing Santa on the mantle, keep the clutter to a minimum. By the time you add all the food to the table, & bonbons, & cool drinks there’s no room for that large wreath of holly. The same goes for around the tree. This is present central, so keep it clear of clutter. And if you have curious pets or grabby young children, consider placing a baby play pen around the tree keeping all the presents within – for their protection! But it’s easy & fun to add a few sprigs of holly, a wreath at the front door & dangle a couple of keepsakes. Just keep it simple & personal. This can keep the cost down too. But as the month progresses you’ll add to the festivities with presents & the good old Christmas cards so simplicity is appreciated all the way through to December 27th.


And now its time for the fun!

Grab that turkey & fill up on wine as your friends & family love your jolly (but neat) home. Entertaining is easy when you know your home looks & feels good, especially with your personal touches. Remember it doesn’t have to be a showroom that’s what magazines are for. This has to feel like a home filled with love & joy… & maybe a sprig of mistletoe.

Christmas presents piled underneath a christmas tree.

The content was written by Taree from Mysteree Designs

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